Microsoft has had issues with patch KB4011086, if you find the language differs in outlook, remove and hide the patch.
this may help:
This CMD script will do a “one time fix” from a network share. You can set it up in GPO as a startup script.
It ONLY works if you have a good “OUTLLIBR.DLL”
Replace everything between the ** **
@echo off
REM Checking if already deployed (delete txt-file manually if fix needed)
if exist “\\**Networkshare\folderwithdllinside\Fixed\**%computername%.txt” goto END
@echo off
Rem Recover Office 2007
taskkill /IM “outlook.exe” /f
XCOPY “\\**Networkshare\foldernamewithdllinside**\OUTLLIBR.DLL” “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\**1043**\” /E /Y /C /Q
@echo off
REM Create a ‘have been deployed’ check-file
echo %date% %time% %computername% > “\\**Networkshare\folderwithdllinside\Fixed**\%computername%.txt”
goto END